Alaska News

A home biodiesel kit hits market: Introducing BioBot 20 (+Video)

In case you're in the market for a home biodiesel kit or just happen to have tons of waste oil on hand, meet the BioBot 20.

Watching the video (see below) about turning your home waste oil into fuel that your car run on makes the whole process seem like a great 6th grade science experiment.

And in case you were wondering, it's called transesterification.

As the company that makes the product, also called BioBot 20, advertised, "Fuel is made, stored and dispensed directly to the car from the processor which is mounted on wheels and easily tucked away in the garage, workshop or shed after use."

But the BioBot only creates 20 liters per batch, hardly enough to run your family cars on.

Still, Fast Company notes, "if you happen to run an institution, like a university," you might be able to "power a fleet of vehicles."

The whole process seems a little complicated and takes 12-24 hours to complete, according to Gizmag. But it does appear, in the name of green technology, to be a step in a clean fuel direction.

Watch the video and learn it all works: