
Nine of top 10 Senate seats likeliest to flip now held by Democrats, National Journal finds

The biggest battles of the 2014 primary season are all but over, and Republicans still appear to be in good shape.

National Journal Thursday took a fresh look at Senate races, and found Democrats vulnerable on several fronts--nine of the 10 seats most likely to flip to the other party are now held by Democrats.

They include South Dakota, where Sen. Tim Johnson is retiring; West Virginia, where Sen. Jay Rockefeller is retiring; Montana, where newly appointed Sen. John Walsh is regarded as vulnerable, and Louisiana, where Sen. Mary Landrieu faces a tough challenger from Rep. Bill Cassidy.

Next on the list: North Carolina, a seat now held by Sen. Kay Hagan; Arkansas, held by Sen. Mark Pryor; Alaska, Sen. Mark Begich; Iowa, now held by retiring Sen. Tom Harkin, and Colorado, now held by Sen. Mark Udall.

At number 10 comes the lone vulnerable Republican: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who's got a tough fight from Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes.

By David Lightman

McClatchy Washington Bureau