
Dunleavy too afraid to seek Alaskans’ help

We will not tolerate a governor who says one thing to an audience in Fairbanks, another in Palmer and an entirely different story to national news outlets.

I continue to feel flabbergasted by the governor’s gall. At a time when his approval numbers are in the tank, he fails to turn to fellow Alaskans for help, again deciding to ignore us.

While hard-working Alaskans across the political spectrum show support and believe in the recall, Gov. Mike Dunleavy is running to donors in the Lower 48 to drum up support for his defense. This course of action makes sense since folks Outside don’t understand how his vetoes pose grave threats to the strength of our economy. They lack an understanding of how Alaskans live. In the past week, Dunleavy has spent time interviewing with Fox, Breitbart, Real Clear Politics and the Daily Caller, all the while ignoring his constituents and local media inquiries.

Maybe Dunleavy has gone Outside because he realizes there is no chance of maintaining meaningful support in Alaska. His only hope to counter public enthusiasm for the recall is going elsewhere to raise funds. The majority of Alaskans certainly don’t approve of his extreme approach. He doesn’t have a solid plan and has shown irresponsible decision-making, already inflicting irreversible damage to our economy.

As many of us know, the recall effort currently awaits an official decision from the Division of Elections to approve or deny the application. The division is in the process of verifying 49,006 signatures that were submitted on Sept. 5. Attorney General Kevin Clarkson will rule regarding the legal grounds of the recall within the next week. Regardless of the outcome of that decision, it’s clear that the Alaskan-powered part of this fight continues unabated, with powerful strength and enthusiasm. Multiple fundraisers and events are in the works for the coming months.

It is disappointing to see the governor continue to lie to Outside interests, painting the recall effort as a partisan one. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Recall Dunleavy is a nonpartisan group formed by Alaskans of all political backgrounds, from every far reaching corner of the state. Recall Dunleavy’s steering committee, donors, and volunteers include a wide variety of Republicans, Democrats, undeclared, and nonpartisan voters. More than 60% of application signers are registered as unaffiliated or nonpartisan, no less. How could the recall possibly be an attack from the left?

Dunleavy has gone Outside for the simplest of reasons. He’s realized his support is thin and wavering. He has put out a desperate plea to Lower 48 funders who aren’t aware of what’s happening in Alaska. If Gov. Dunleavy truly stands behind his actions, then he should actually stand tall and make his case to Alaskans with honesty and integrity.


Regardless of our party affiliations, with each passing day we see what’s abundantly clear: Dunleavy’s policies are bad for Alaska and he must not be allowed to remain as our Governor.

Aaron Welterlen owns W. V. Builders Inc. in Fairbanks, Alaska, His family has called Alaska home for over 20 years.

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