
Want to change someone’s life? Alaska needs foster youth mentors.

We are defined more by our common desire to improve the lives of others than by our differences. The SYNC Initiative at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Alaska matches volunteer mentors with foster youth from ages 14 to 21 in the Anchorage and Mat-Su areas. 

This is a difficult time for all of us. It’s especially true for youth who do not have stable or reliable adults in their lives. Most of us had an adult we could rely on, usually a parent, as we made that transition. That’s too often not the case for foster youth. Alaska has over 3,000 foster youth and many have come forward and asked for mentors. Foster youth, just like all of us, can benefit from adults who they can talk to, seek advice from, or just take a walk or hike with. All it takes is a few hours a month to become a mentor and ignite potential for youth in foster care. Big Brothers Big Sisters has worked hard to support matches in a safe way during the pandemic. This stressful time, we hope, will pass sooner than later, and gradually allow your relationship with youth to grow when the time comes that life becomes more normal.

There is a brief application process and a training Big Brothers Big Sisters provides to volunteers who may not be familiar with foster care. And it’s important for us to know we have enough trained, ready and willing adult SYNC mentors so foster youth don’t have to wait when they express interest in joining. Telling youth, many who’ve lived with much disappointment in life, that we’ll get back to them in a few months after we find a mentor isn’t an ideal or healthy approach. It’s much healthier to have mentors available when a youth asks.

If you’d like to help enrich the life of a foster youth, and likely your own life as well, please visit www.bbbsak.org/become-a-big/ to learn more about becoming a SYNC mentor today. You can also contact SYNC Coordinator Kristin O’Meara at kristin.omeara@bbbsak.org or by phone at (907) 290-7670. And if you know someone you think would like to join the SYNC initiative, please let them know about this volunteer need. 

Life can be hard. We all know it’s harder for some people than others. But there are things we can do to make those lives better. We wish you the best during a difficult time for all of us.

Heather Harris is the CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Alaska, and has been a foster parent and Big Sister. 

Les Gara is a former legislator and foster youth, and helped found this volunteer mentorship initiative at the request of current and former Alaska foster youth.  

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