
OPINION: Alaska should keep a governor with integrity

As a lifelong Alaskan, I can’t think of a more important time for us to keep the course and rely on a governor who has integrity. That’s why I support Mike Dunleavy for another term. Here are just a few reasons why we need to keep the leadership Alaska has.

When Gov. Dunleavy ran four years ago, Alaska was experiencing a record crime wave due to slashes in public safety funding and a revolving-door crime bill called SB 91. Gov. Dunleavy promised to repeal and replace that criminal-friendly law, back the blue and strengthen victims’ rights. On all those points, Gov. Dunleavy delivered. SB 91 was repealed and replaced within the first six months of his administration. Troopers are being funded, recruited and retained. Victims’ rights groups have also seen big advances in new laws and protections, and crime is down.

Gov. Dunleavy promised to champion resource development in Alaska. This year has seen historic investment announcements on the North Slope, from $2.6 billion by Santos/Repsol, to ConocoPhillips committing $1 billion in new capital projects every year for the next five years. These investments will create jobs for Alaskans and continue to push more oil through the pipeline. Additionally, each barrel of new oil is another deposit of royalties to our Permanent Fund.

Gov. Dunleavy promised to restore trust in our government after years of bait-and-switch from previous politicians. After multiple swipes at Alaskans’ dividends, Gov. Dunleavy delivered the largest dividend in state history and will continue to fight for the people to have a voice in how the Permanent Fund dividend is calculated.

By contrast, former Gov. Bill Walker has a proven record of not playing it straight with Alaskans. Walker promised to protect the dividend, then became the first governor in history to reduce the PFD from its statutory formula.

Walker said he is pro-life, but now promises to veto legislation that diminishes abortion rights. Whether one is pro-life or pro-choice, it’s clear Walker is not consistent where he stands on this important issue.

This election does come down to trust. Trust is based on a history of choices a person makes. Bill Walker has spent more than a decade running for office as one thing and being something completely different once in power. Gov. Dunleavy has a proven record of walking the talk. That’s why I’m proud to support Mike Dunleavy for another term as our governor.


Matt Steele is a Realtor and flight instructor. He lives in Wasilla.

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