Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, December 23, 2016

Our rights not pawns in a game

There have been rumblings since Election Day that politicians are quietly mounting an attack on Planned Parenthood's ability to provide health care to low-income Alaskans. This time, they could very well do it. We know that Planned Parenthood provides basic health care — breast and cervical cancer screenings, birth control, STD tests — to thousands of Alaskans every year. For some, they are the only provider they will see all year.

I hope Alaska women will speak up and let our congressional delegation know that our rights are not pawns in a political game. I hope Sens. Sullivan and Murkowski, and Congressman Young will represent all our voices in Washington and protect all of us from government overreach into our personal health choices.

— Glenna Eldridge

Thanks for stopping, caring

To the good Samaritans that stopped and helped my husband when he tumbled down the embankment with his ATV as he was snowplowing the driveway off of Eagle River Road a few Sundays ago: We wanted to let you know that he is doing OK, no broken bones, no internal injuries. ATV was broken but fixable and he was pretty bruised, as well as his ego. He's doing fine and recovering slowly.

Thanks again for stopping and caring. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you and all those that stop to help strangers.

— Audrey Bear
Eagle River

Cross implies Muslim violence toward Americans is justified

Jay Cross (Dec. 20), responding to my comments on Islamophobia, seems to defend Muslim terrorism. He claims that, over the past 25 years, "the USA has started" a number of the Middle East wars, resulting in "thousands upon thousands" of Muslims being killed. The implication is that, therefore, Muslim hatred and violence directed toward Americans is justified.


Cross' interpretation of recent Middle East history is exactly what would be expected to come out of the mouths of those who make up the Muslim terrorist organizations.

While hindsight may wonder whether the U.S.'s recent involvements in the Middle East were/are mistakes, such geopolitical conflict is a completely separate issue, in as much as we can not wait on the resolution of all such conflicts before dealing with Muslim terrorism on American soil.

Rob Mankoff (also Dec. 20) responded to my letter by providing numbers that supposedly show that its unreasonable to have fear or concern over Muslim terrorism in the U.S. because there have been "only 47 Americans killed by Muslim terrorists in the past 10 years" as compared to twice that number killed by "non-Muslim terrorists." How about it being unreasonable to ignore the 3,000-plus killed by Muslim terrorists on Sept. 11, 2001.

His cherry-picking the past 10 years to distort the facts continues, by pointing out the higher number of people accidentally killed by lightning and bathtub drownings during this period of time. He would have you believe that since there is little concern about these two types of accidents, that it is unreasonable to be concerned about Muslim terrorists. Actually there are groups concerned about all three, lightning deaths, bathtub drownings and Muslim terrorist killings, and these organizations have been and are continuing to talk about and develop programs to minimize such deaths.

— Jim Lieb

Print a ‘moderate’ article

Is ADN capable of printing an "article," or letter to the editor, that is not either an opinion of an ultraliberal or an ultraconservative rant? So you can claim to be a "moderate"?

And oh yeah, thanks Obama, in your infinite wisdom and integrity in giving us Alaskans a parting gift of a middle finger to our industry and economy. I know darn well what side you are on. And it's not moderate at all.

— Joshua Rees
Eagle River

Kudos and thanks to the USPS

I want to give a shout out to the U.S. Postal Service this holiday season. I have never seen such great service! When I went to the post office at Spenard there were workers assisting us at the self-use kiosk, and a worker taking anyone with a flat-rate package or prepaid one. I have seen postal trucks out in the wee hours of the morning in the sleet. So kudos to the USPS and a blessed holiday to all!

— Beverly Churchill

Thank you for making Chester Creek Trail safer

I am very grateful to the Community Action Patrol for recently clearing the stolen bike camp on the Chester Creek Trail near Maplewood. It was a tough and unpleasant job to do in the winter but users of the trail are now safe from this center of criminal activity.

This camp has been in operation for over 4 years, with people stashing and disassembling stolen bikes, child carriers, backpacks and purses. The camp was cleared out 2 years ago, but was re-established last summer. In November there were five or more tents and at least a dozen high-end bikes and bike frames. For this group of people, stealing has clearly provided a viable way of life.

Homelessness is a complex issue, requiring a balance of the needs and rights of everyone. Collaboration between social workers and the police is essential to provide for the health, safety and well-being of homeless people, as well as to protect the safety and property rights of all residents. The Municipality of Anchorage is doing a great job in improving coordination and communication to come up with long-term solutions.

Stolen property that is not reported is assumed to be the property of whoever has it in their possession. Only if police have reports of stolen property, with the serial number or at least a description, can they confiscate it. Please report stolen bikes to the police and your neighborhood association, and report suspicious activity on the trails.

— Carolyn Gove

The views expressed here are the writers' own and are not necessarily endorsed by Alaska Dispatch News, which welcomes a broad range of viewpoints. To submit a letter under 200 words for consideration, email letters@alaskadispatch.com, or click here to submit via any web browser. Submitting a letter to the editor constitutes granting permission for it to be edited for clarity, accuracy and brevity. Send longer works of opinion to commentary@alaskadispatch.com.