Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, January 13, 2017

Trump Cabinet on a level of its own

An embarrassment of riches
There will be in the Cabinet.
Together with the president
They are the 1 percent.

— Lynn Hartz RN, ANP
editor, Alaska Nursing Today

Nonmedia keen to see Trump tax returns

Today during President-elect Donald Trump's press conference, he stated no one cared about (the nonrelease of) his tax returns, except journalists. I care. I wanted to contact Trump and tell him I care and want him to release his tax returns. He doesn't accept emails, faxes or phone calls. I could write to him via the Trump Organization but that seems a little too businesslike. I am left with one option today — announcing in the newspaper that I am not part of the media and would like him to release his tax returns. Now.

— Sharon Zand

Obama modeled true democratic ideals


Whether or not we agree with President Barack Obama's politics, I hope we can all agree he has been a phenomenal role model for the past eight years; a leader of true character, a model of how to treat one another with respect, empathy and an open ear. He's a man whose character any of us should like our children to emulate. I was reminded of this when he gave his important farewell speech, during which he reprimanded the crowd for shouting "No!" when he mentioned handing over the presidency to Donald Trump. He reminded them of the importance of upholding the foundation of democracy; and in his remonstrance, he demonstrated that anger, blame and disrespect toward anyone — even those whom we are deeply offended by — are not qualities of leadership, nor are they signs of citizens with character. In his praise of the upcoming generation for its belief in "a fair, and just, and inclusive America," he reminded us of what we should all be aiming for — that hatred and divisiveness have no place in this world.

Even more than health care reform, more than environmental conservation, more than the Paris Agreement, more than economic recovery, more than improved rights for women and the LGBTQ community, this is what I hope we remember most about him: In the midst of a nation in discord, in the midst of being the victim of a witch hunt, he maintained dignity and offered respect to all.

This was manifested in his graciousness toward the man who questioned his citizenship for years, a propagator of falsehood and discrimination. It was manifested in every day he served us as our nation's leader. It is essential now to carry his message in our hearts, to remain openhearted and open-minded toward all whom we live among. We must strive for dignity. And if each and every one of us makes that effort, regardless of our differences, we will begin to heal. Perhaps it is only through healing we can move toward becoming a nation of better listeners, better readers, better thinkers; toward a people who seek truth.

In Gandhi's words, "Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it."

— Amy Purevsuren
Dutch Harbor

NRA, GOP block even mild gun laws

The heading to my letter, "NRA behind Santiago killings" is unduly provocative and not what I meant. I attempted to say the NRA and the Republican Party have effectively blocked any, even mild, weapon control laws which in this case would have prevented the return of a handgun to an obviously psychotic person. We have no apparent laws to prevent this mistake.

I did not attribute the actual shootings to the NRA, which the heading sounded like.

— Dick Palmatier