Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, March 24, 2017

A life lived alters viewpoint

I'd like to thank Neal Matson of Fairbanks for his thought-provoking letter (ADN, March 21) concerning how a fertility clinic that was about to be destroyed presented the circumstances that could reveal the strength of a person's belief that life begins at conception.

I'm 81 years old now, but in the good old days the subject of abortion seldom came up. My wife and I got a much-needed divorce five years after we had our sixth child, and since then I've come to understand there are good reasons for many things, including abortion and the value of human life. I try to find the true answer to abortion, and always end up believing it's up to the woman — which doesn't always feel "right." Thanks to Mr. Matson's assertions, making a choice about whether to save one living baby — or saving innumerable fertilized human eggs — will determine how strongly a person believes that life begins at conception. I also accept that as a fact.

However, it is the mother's life-force that animates the fetus until it is born. At that time, when the baby takes its first breath of air, it becomes an individual human being who develops its own life and its own conscious awareness of the world. Because all human beings are at different levels of maturity and understanding, there is no absolute "truth" that actually holds true for everyone — all the time. The best we can do, is do the best we can.

— Art Carney

Refuge rule change obscene

They're not "wildflower refuges," they are wildlife refuges. I find the Senate's legislation to repeal a regulation governing hunting regulations on federal wildlife refuges in Alaska to be obscene. Sen. Sullivan's allusion to his "principle of federalism" simply continues the argument of who gets to decide about killing animals. They are wildlife refuges.


And while I'm on the subject of wildlife, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke's rescinding the requirement to use nontoxic projectiles for hunting on all national wildlife refuges is unconscionable. When will this administration stop obsessing about Obama and begin making decisions based on quality of life?

— Sheila Lankford

Good health is for everyone

There are some things in this world that are obvious.

If you have a leaking or damaged hydrocarbon pipeline spewing pollution into our environment, you shut it down. You don't wait for a convenient time to fix it.

If you have a January 2018 deadline requiring the state to issue a secure driver's license for people to use as airline travel identification, you pass the necessary legislation. Otherwise we will be forced carry a passport and/or birth certificate to fly anywhere.

As the most prosperous country in the world, if we are to be considered a modern moral nation, everybody should have access to good affordable health care. Good health is not for just the rich and famous.

If you are of a certain age, you know that not only "Johnny be good," but Chuck be great.

— Walt Smith

Trump threat empty

Trump's got it backward: Thoughtful Republicans who vote against ACA repeal won't be ousted. They'll be re-elected.

— Sue Scherwin

The views expressed here are the writers' own and are not necessarily endorsed by Alaska Dispatch News, which welcomes a broad range of viewpoints. To submit a letter under 200 words for consideration, email letters@alaskadispatch.com, or click here to submit via any web browser. Submitting a letter to the editor constitutes granting permission for it to be edited for clarity, accuracy and brevity. Send longer works of opinion to commentary@alaskadispatch.com.