Letters to the Editor

Letter: Ahtna must renounce its role in refugee detainment

Regarding the use of the Port Isabel Detention Center to imprison immigration detainees: Ahtna may only have a direct role in operating a quasi-federal prison under government contract, and may not be directly involved in setting policy in the state-sanctioned kidnapping and political coercion being directed by the White House.

But, by allowing the White House to use their facility as an instrument in what amounts to an extortion racket, using the threat of force, termination of parental rights and imprisoning infants, young children and adults of perhaps the most powerless population in the world today, Ahtna will be forever tainted by their cooperation and will be viewed as a willing partner in this reprehensible act.

Ahtna needs to seek the advice and assistance of their attorneys and prevent the White House from carrying out this evil process within their facility. As a Native corporation that consistently extols the virtues of family, Ahtna needs to take a stand, rebuke the White House's action, and at least attempt to prevent them from using their facility in this manner. Anything less will be viewed as complicity. This time will be seen as a very dark stain in U.S. history, and Ahtna should do everything in their power to rise above this.
— Ross Klooster

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