Letters to the Editor

Letter: Who’s really missing?

I was disappointed by Stephanie Rhoades’ recent characterization of Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz as “missing in action” on the homeless crisis. This label unfairly scapegoats the mayor, distracts citizens wanting long-term solutions to homelessness and overlooks those who are much more deserving of the criticism. “Missing in action” are: Gov. Mike Dunleavy, who just vetoed the state’s 11 million dollar contribution to homeless services in Anchorage, the legislators who will refuse to override this heartless line-item veto, and those citizens who failed to support a recent alcohol tax initiative that would have contributed local resources to resolving Anchorage’s homeless problem.

And so, while I understand and sympathize with Ms. Rhoades’ frustration, it is not the mayor who should be labeled “missing in action;” it is those who repeatedly refuse to fund programs specifically designed to effectively combat and end chronic homelessness in Anchorage.

— Kevin F. McCoy


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