Letters to the Editor

Letter: Cuts don’t reflect Alaskans’ will

As a young person who cares about the future of Alaska and knows many that rely on the programs threatened by Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s vetoes, I am very frustrated. Our state budget is supposed to be a representation of our ideals, our beliefs and our identity, but this budget is not. Alaskans care about supporting those around them and ensuring everyone has an equal opportunity to live a healthy, prosperous life. We believe in giving young Alaskans the opportunity to stay in their state and get an education. This budget drives away students, teachers, families and everyone who wants to see Alaska prosper. By cutting $444 million in public funds from things like public education, public safety and public health care, we are creating an unsustainable economy that will soon collapse beneath our feet.

While some believe that having a full Permanent Fund dividend will help improve our economy, the cuts within the budget will result in about 4,200 lost jobs. The two- to three-month retail jobs that a full PFD will create will in no way make up for jobs lost in the long term. There is no denying the effect that these cuts will have on communities throughout Alaska. For the sake of Alaska’s future, I ask everyone to call their legislators and tell them how they feel about these budget cuts.

— Eve M. Downing


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