Letters to the Editor

Letter: A good place for more cuts

The news has been full of the cuts to the state budget and how underserved everyone will be in all capacities. I don’t disagree; however, I have yet to hear of any cuts coming from our Juneau elected. Our governor should lead by example and take a pay cut. A big pay cut. And, as someone else a few weeks earlier wrote, he’s a big boy, so he shouldn’t need staff and his hangers-on, though he probably should keep someone on to help with his thinking, such as that’s been.

The same goes for the Legislature. Surely there are substantial cuts to be made in staffing and other unnecessary expenditures, such as per diem and the salaries of our elected. Why hasn’t anything been done about that, as long as we’re talking budget cuts?

And by the way, did the statute of limitations finally run out on Ben Stevens, thus causing his return to Alaska? Recall, anyone?

— Laurie Melander


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