Letters to the Editor

Letter: Alaska deserves better than Donley

I recently read that Anchorage School Board member Dave Donley wants his boss, Gov. Mike Dunleavy, to appoint him to the Senate seat formerly held by the late Chris Birch.

As a retired teacher of 17 years, I have real concerns about divided loyalties that could shortchange our students. Mr. Donley is a high-level political appointee in the Dunleavy administration that pushed for deep and destructive cuts to education at every level. When a resolution to oppose the Dunleavy cuts came before the School Board, Donley voted no. Shameful. That is what I mean by Mr. Donley’s divided loyalties.

He put politics, loyalty to the governor and his own job security over our kids. Now that he is trying to get back in the Senate, it’s obvious he prefers to be even closer to his boss, who favors vouchers to send public school money to private and even for-profit schools. At the next School Board election, I will be looking for someone other than Mr. Donley for the leadership and support our students, teachers and staff deserve.

— Sherry Gardner


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