Letters to the Editor

Letter: Fairness

I don’t like “Make ’em squeal, Dunleavy” as a slogan, but I can agree with the words more than I agree with the people who have been saying them. After all, hungry children don’t squeal, they cry. The old may die and the sick may moan in pain, but they don’t squeal. Good, caring people appalled by what is being done to their fellow Alaskans, may protest and argue, but they don’t squeal.

Squealing is the sound traditionally associated with pigs. When we refer to humans as pigs, we are saying that they are greedy, self-centered and uncaring of others. I would like them to get their fair share, but not everyone else’s. And if that makes them squeal, it is unfortunate for them, but much better for the rest of the Alaska. What are “Republican” values?

— Mark Beaudin


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