Letters to the Editor

Letter: Protecting Alaska from Fischer and Sturgulewski

It was amazing to read the opinion piece from these esteemed former leaders — especially the title of their piece — “Protecting Alaska from Gov. Dunleavy requires bipartisanship.”

No governor — Republican or Democrat — has ever tried to bankrupt Alaska. That job belonged to our past “coalition majority” legislators who’ve done a marvelous job spending us into oblivion.

I may dislike Dunleavy’s vetoes, but the governor appears to think the Legislature is robbing our children’s piggy bank to subsidize a state government that most Alaskans clearly don’t care enough about to spend their own money on. I think he is correct about that, but how will we know unless the Legislature allows us to vote on a state income tax?

After living here 68 years, I can’t help but notice that the ‘old’ Alaska these folks want to protect has been gone for quite some time. In the first chapter of any fiduciary responsibility textbook, it clearly states that nostalgia is not an acceptable substitute for a balanced budget.

— Mike Heimbuch


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