Letters to the Editor

Letter: Recall doesn’t make sense

I’m wondering if progressives in Alaska vainly trying to recall Gov. Mike Dunleavy realize they’re just as ignorant as those Democrats in Washington, D.C., wanting to impeach the president over a valid and earnest conversation he had with the Ukrainian president, and one everyone’s read. You know, the one where there must be some evidence of quid pro quo between the lines. Someone please pass a magnifying glass.

Wondering why these loony liberals haven’t crucified Gov. Dunleavy for his prudence and promise-keeping, balancing the state budget given the financial disaster he was handed, and why Alaskans voted him into office. Heaven forbid, the last thing Alaskans want is a financially independent electorate.

But unlike letter-writer Brian MacMillan, I’m not wondering where my Permanent Fund dividend check is because I applied before the March 31 deadline. Some things just aren’t worth wondering about.

Keep up the great job you’re doing, governor!

— Summer Hawkes


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