Letters to the Editor

Letter: Accountability

The President swore an oath of office to uphold the Constitution. But now that we are three years into his administration, we must ask ourselves—especially Republicans like me—is that what he has done?

First, he turned a blind eye to foreign interference in the 2016 election. Then he ignored our justice system by undermining the Mueller investigation. And most recently, he not only mishandled foreign relations but actively subverted our long-standing relationships for his political gain on the infamous Ukraine phone call. This pattern of abusing power is getting worse and it simply cannot continue.

Going forward with the current inquiry does not necessarily mean he will be removed from office, or even that he will be impeached at all; but taking it seriously should help to curb his abuses in the future regardless. That is why Congress must do its legal duty to check the President’s power and make sure it is completed. Let’s allow all of the facts come out and hold the President accountable, one way or another.

Chris Wagg


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