Letters to the Editor

Letter: Impeach Donald Trump

I connected with Allen Jorgenson’s letter of Nov. 15, “Directionless GOP.”

The behavior of President Donald Trump threatens the security of the nation. From what I have read, seen and heard, he is a poor manager at best and perhaps an unknowing agent of a foreign power at worst. It seems that so many Republican officials are in lockstep with him but he “doth protest too much.” Case in point: Why won’t he show us his taxes?

Happiness, to me, would be to have the GOP put up a new candidate for president in 2020. The GOP has $300 million available in its 2020 election coffers to spread among senators and Congress members up for election. I’ve heard that those who were supportive of Donald Trump and his policies over the past four years will receive funding at a higher priority than those who did not. Makes it kind of hard for another candidate — or other issues — to emerge, or for elected officials to express opposition to Donald Trump if they want to get reelected.

This president spends a couple of days a month at rallies raising money for the GOP — his reelection. I have seen short clips of his “show” because he is foremost an entertainer. These events are part of American democratic traditions, but his visual images, message and manner are reminiscent of past authoritarian dictators. Trump is the schoolyard bully I scrapped with when I was a kid. Once I stood up to him, even though I got a bloody nose, he went away and left me alone.

I think he needs to go.

— Pete Panarese

Eagle River

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