Letters to the Editor

Letter: Old age planning

I read Chris Vaughan’s recent comments regarding his father’s situation at the Pioneer Home in Palmer. At age 91, I can relate to his burdens with end-stage problems.

In addressing Vaughan’s concerns, I have some questions and possible solutions. Vaughan wrote of his dementia; does he have lucid moments when he can address his problems with an attorney? Does Mr. Vaughan or another sibling have a durable power of attorney whereby they can act for him?

I and my late wife have had great success addressing similar concerns with our attorney. As to the grandchildren’s education, an “Alaska 529” account set up for these children could safeguard his intentions to provide for them. Once more, this has been our experience. Our sole grandchild has a 529 account we began several years ago. With careful management, it has grown to an amount sufficient for a debt-free secondary education. I highly recommend this as a way for his intentions to be completed.

— Ernest A Hamm, Jr.


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