Letters to the Editor

Letter: Budget issues

On the verge of 2020, the governor is playing with the new budget. It doesn’t look good. It is obvious we cannot run this state on less and less oil revenues. We have a choice. Alaskans can continue to hack away at essential services such as education, transportation, medical care, public broadcasting, etc. or give up the Permanent Fund dividend or pay some sort of state tax. Alaska once had an income tax. It is time to reinstate that tax or go to a sales tax. We cannot sustain this state relying on oil anymore. Seems silly to get a PFD and then complain about the loss of essential services.

It is time for the citizens of Alaska to have a stake in their state once again. For too long, Alaskans did not take much interest in state government or budgets. The oil was flowing and so was the money. Now we have a dysfunctional Legislature and governor, along with less and less money to support our growing state filled with all sorts of needs. We, the citizens of Alaska, need to put out our money to pay for the services we and/or our neighbors use and rely on.

Finally, as the Legislature gets ready to meet, is it not time to get rid of Daylight Savings Time and stay on Alaska Standard Time for obvious, well-documented reasons?

— Karen Avila-Lederhos


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