Letters to the Editor

Letter: Protect the Constitution

The task of holding those in power accountable for their actions often falls to true conservatives. Now dedicated Republicans in the Senate have a responsibility to their party that cannot be ignored any longer. When our President refuses to acknowledge basic rule of law in our nation, we must step in to protect the Constitution.

As someone who has been a Republican all my life, I do not feel comfortable supporting our President at this point. With the Mueller investigations still ringing in the nation’s ears, we now have a new investigation to contend with, and it is a serious one. Make no mistake, the Ukraine matter puts the President’s personal political career ahead of our national security.

The message that the President is sending to voters is that he doesn’t respect our electoral system or our justice system. We have a President who refuses or is unable to look at his own actions and how those actions have damaged the legitimacy of his presidency — and by extension, those actions have damaged the GOP as a whole.

This is not the time to turn away from the truth. We need every true Republican left in Congress to band together and speak out against the abuses coming from the White House. Together, we can get our party back on track before the point of no return. More importantly, we can strengthen America’s future and protect the Constitution.

— J.B. Gilles


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