Letters to the Editor

Letter: Stand up for Alaska

Like many Alaskans, I have a big issue with our junior U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan. He let the feds steal more than $100 million dollars from the military and Alaska’s economy to build the wall. That really made me upset. Ted Stevens would not have stood for that. He would have turned into the Hulk and gone toe to toe with the feds and stood up for Alaska. Not Dan.

Now he has a weak response that he will work with the Pentagon sometime in the future. That is just not acceptable. Dan is no Ted Stevens. When it comes to our U.S. senator, I want someone who will be an effective fighter for our whole state, not someone who knuckles under to the feds. It would be wonderful to have a junior U.S. senator who was seriously working to represent Alaska’s needs. Does he even care what our state and people need? It sure doesn’t seem so.

— Sherry Gardiner


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