Letters to the Editor

Letter: We need term limits

Why is character and courage in such short supply in Congress and throughout our nation? It’s simple. Legislators of all parties are beholden to the powerful who funded their rise to prominence. They have sold their souls to the powerful. They cannot vote their consciences, lest they destroy their personal ambitions of re-election.

How else can you square Sen. Dan Sullivan’s support of a grossly dishonest, vile, misogynistic and vulgar president who denies global warming exists when he sees it on every trip home from Washington, D.C.? There has to be a solution.

If we limited legislative terms and the money which can be spent on political campaigns, our elected officials would be free to make decisions with integrity, without worrying about destroying their lifetime political career by voting against the interest of a powerful supporter. Lifetime political cash careers would no longer exist. And the powerful and wealthy would have their influence reduced if career legislators were a thing of the past. Finally, term and financial limits would guarantee fresh talent with new ideas would be available on a regular basis.

— Elliott T. Dennis


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