Letters to the Editor

Letter: Support the Iditarod

I can’t believe Alaska Airlines has decided to stop sponsoring the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. It’s the Olympics for dogs and they seem to love it! Iditarod takes great lengths to ensure mushers take amazing care of their dogs — just look up the rules. What musher doesn’t want to strive for Iditarod excellence?

I hope Alaska Airlines remembers that their customers are Alaskans. Alaskans who want to continue tradition responsibly, constantly bettering this great race. Please think twice before stopping to back one of the greatest symbols of endurance, bravery, dog/man relationship, teamwork and athleticism that this state has. Please think twice before bowing to the whims of an organization that does not understand what they advocate against. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals might be an organization for pets in cities, but they seem to have lost their understanding of man and beast in the wild. They don’t understand how a human relationship with a dog can make them into a great team where they learn from and depend on each other.

Alaska is wild. Alaska is bravery. Alaska is teamwork. Alaska is Iditarod. What are you, Alaska Airlines? Get a hold of your Alaska again, get a hold of your bravery, get a hold of your culture. Support your namesake again. Support the Iditarod.

— Tara Garrett

Eagle River

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