Letters to the Editor

Letter: Vote for Hill

Now, more than ever, we need local leaders with strong business experience. That’s why I’m voting for Christine Hill for the Anchorage Assembly. I know the mail-in election isn’t a top priority for most people right now, as we all wrestle with financial uncertainty. But I hope you’ll take some time to consider the necessity of voting for someone with experience.

Christine Hill has lived in Anchorage for more than 30 years and runs two successful businesses. She has numerous hourly employees and knows the real challenges businesses are facing right now. Her opponent prefers to make being a politician his career. In other times, that might not matter as much. But we’re facing unprecedented economic hardship for the foreseeable future.

We need people with wisdom and leadership experience. Christine’s opponent pits people against one another, most recently disparaging lifelong educators in favor of abuse prevention volunteers. Both those groups unquestionably work toward the same critical goal of keeping kids safe.

Christine’s not going to shy away from asking questions or holding people accountable. But there is a way to do that without being disrespectful or divisive. In these already stressful times, we need leaders with good judgment.

Christine knows how to bring people together to solve problems. That’s what small-business owners do every day. She will lead our community through this crisis with integrity and compassion. For more than 30 years, she’s raised her family and run businesses in Anchorage. And she continues to provide jobs and invest in our people. I hope you’ll join me in voting for Christine Hill for Midtown Assembly District 4.

— David Frazier


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