Letters to the Editor

Letter: AIDEA should be ashamed

On March 20, the governor’s Alaska Economic Stabilization Team floated the idea of using AIDEA (the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority) funds to help small and medium-sized businesses face the COVID-19 economic catastrophe. Just one week after the stabilization team’s recommendations, AIDEA proposed acting like the worst kind of neighbor — the one who bought all the hand sanitizer and toilet paper and won’t share — transferring $35 million dollars from its general revolving fund to a separate fund to spend solely on the proposed Ambler Road, an economic gamble dependent on, among other things, the price of copper, significant regulatory hurdles, and a multi-year, 200-mile construction project on top of melting tundra.

In short, AIDEA’s Board of Directors is considering hiding $35 million dollars from Alaskans who can use it now – neighbors and friends who own small and medium-sized businesses - in order to prioritize construction of another “road to nowhere” that at best will start being built four years from now. This is not how Alaskans respond to a crisis or watch out for each other. The Board should be ashamed of themselves, and our state legislators and governor should tell them to prioritize Alaskans instead of a pet project during this crisis.

— Jim Adams

Alaska Regional Director,

National Parks Conservation Association


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