Letters to the Editor

Letter: Other heroes

We are grateful to the scores of medical professionals across the state, but there are others being left out of recognition who are also on the front line caring for thousands of Alaskans. Direct support professionals, personal care workers and job coaches for Alaskans who experience disabilities, are elderly or have complex medical needs are providing essential services during this pandemic and deserve recognition for their valuable contributions.

This workforce is dedicated to serving vulnerable populations, putting themselves at risk despite best efforts to find and utilize personal protective equipment (PPE), cleaning supplies and protocols. They are faced with risk accomplishing simple tasks for clients, such as grocery shopping, while doing their best to avoid exposure to the virus through social distancing and following Centers for Disease Control health guidelines.

Without their efforts, Alaskans who depend on care and support of essential front-line workers would lose vital services for daily living. Alaskans who cannot feed or bathe themselves — they are entirely dependent on staff care. Recently, Gov. Michael Dunleavy praised the efforts of state Pioneer Home and assisted-living care facilities. We urge him to now also recognize front-line support employees of all organizations that provide direct services to other vulnerable Alaskans.

— Barbara Rath


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