Letters to the Editor

Letter: MTA and capital credits

My mom, Arlene L. Chapman, recently died and had earned capital credits with MTA going back many years. MTA’s policy on refunding of capital credit is appalling at best, with a more-than-30-year deferred payout.

I was shocked to hear that when someone dies, this policy does not change. My mom’s undistributed capital credit totaled $1,371.92; the amount her estate received was $749.91, an amount equal to approximately 55% to the capital credits she was entitled to. This policy should be considered unacceptable and changed.

Families have already put up with the death of a loved one; they should not have to put up with a discount in the earned capital credits or worse yet wait for 20 to 30 years for the capital credits to be paid out.

— Craig Chapman

Eagle River

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