Letters to the Editor

Letter: Trump’s great accomplishments

There is little doubt that before long we will find a cure for the coronavirus. Next, and just as important, we need to find a cure for hate and the Trump Derangement Syndrome.

People can’t just disagree with President Donald Trump on issues, they hate him with the passion of a rabid dog. No matter what Trump says or does, he is painted as a pathological liar whose goal is to destroy America. His clear and positive record of accomplishments proves the exact opposite.

He is the voice for reason and, at long last, the one putting America and its people first against all enemies, foreign and domestic. From going after countries like China that have ripped us off, to our friends who never paid their fair share to defend the world, to appointing fair Supreme Court justices, President Trump is looking out for every American.

Until the coronavirus, the economy was booming under Trump’s leadership. Minority employment was setting records. No matter all the good he is doing for America, the left and liberal press works constantly, trying to take down our president. They still steadfastly refuse to accept Trump won the last election.

President Trump isn’t dividing America — liberal Democrats and the liberal press are the ones doing that. Until we find a cure for hate and Trump Derangement Syndrome, Democrats will continue to cast a cloud over America.

History will record President Trump as one of our greatest presidents because of all his accomplishments. It’s a real shame that as we fight the coronavirus, hate appears to be a liberal value. Imagine all good we could accomplish as one American people.

— Richard Rhyner



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