Letters to the Editor

Letter: Breathtaking immorality

The president of the United States has issued an order that prohibits civil authorities from closing meat-packing plants and prohibits those authorities from imposing any safety conditions on the operation of those now very dangerous plants.

The governor of one of the states that has several such plants has proclaimed that any worker in such a plant who refuses to return to work because they fear for their lives will forfeit unemployment benefits.

Given the high risk of contracting COVID-19 in the very close quarters of these plants, the powerless status of workers in these plants, the fact that some of them likely fear that they will be deported if they are found to be undocumented, and the fact that safety measures could be taken to limit the risks faced by the workers — given all of these facts — the depth and breadth of the immorality of this president and that governor are breathtaking.

Rev. David A. Barber


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