Letters to the Editor

Letter: Oppression or inconvenience?

Is it oppression or inconvenience? So sad that some people don’t know the difference.

Maybe it’s just indifference.

It pains me to think that some of us here in Alaska do not care enough about our fellow humans to inconvenience ourselves by wearing a mask to keep from spreading a horrible disease. How convenient it is to call it a conspiracy so you don’t have to bother. How convenient it is to smugly say “Let the vulnerable stay home. I can do what I want. To heck with everybody else. I can do what I want.”

Some mistake consideration for others for fear. “Those that are afraid wear a mask and stay home.”

The masks are not so much for personal protection of the wearer. It is to help avoid spreading it if you are an asymptomatic carrier.

Incidentally, I suspect the people who are proudly sauntering around town without a mask on are the very people who will whine and carry on the most when they cause a second wave and another shutdown. They will protest and blame the governor and the mayor. Anybody but themselves.

Wear a mask. Protect others. Protect the economy. Ultimately, you are protecting yourselves.


— Carol Clausson, R.N.


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