Letters to the Editor

Letter: Danger on the bike trails

Bears? No. Moose? No. People and dogs? Yes!

I like people and I like dogs – when they pay attention and are controllable. I ended my bike ride at Westchester Lagoon at around 3 p.m. – a lovely day to be out for everyone. As I rode toward the northeast end of the path, I noticed a nice young lady throwing a ball for her dog. Not an issue normally, except the ball was inadvertently thrown toward the path.

The ball kept bouncing and the dog continued running and leaping directly across the path. He landed somewhere on the front of my bike, and over I and the bike went. Bumps, bruises and a bent frame. I’m alive and The Bike Shop can fix the bike – but what if it had been a child or someone even older than I am? Please, always be aware of where you and all your companions are on the multi-use trails. Thank you.

Diane Fejes


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