Letters to the Editor

Letter: Indirect messaging

I have been writing to our congressional delegation for months asking them to put their country ahead of their jobs, but you have done very little — Sen. Lisa Murkowski — or nothing — Sen. Dan Sullivan, and Rep. Don Young, if he’s still out there. I read that they may read the newspaper more than they read their emails, so I am writing to the Anchorage Daily News.

Most Americans know President Donald Trump repeatedly lies; he only talks about how wonderful he is rather than providing positive solutions for America’s challenges. Today’s polls show he is a loser, not a winner, and now he is taking Republicans down with him.

Maybe now that he is a risk to our delegation’s valuable jobs rather than an asset, they will rebuke him instead of meekly burying their heads in the sand. Are they really going to stand by as he continues to attempt to tear this country apart and ruin what is left of it?

— David Irons


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