Letters to the Editor

Letter: Patriotic duty

Patriots are made, not born. Patriotism is action, not talk. It takes work, effort and sacrifice.

Waving a flag, wearing a flag lapel pin and sporting a bumper sticker do not make you a patriot. Cheap talk, ignorance and bigotry don’t make you a patriot. Supporting politicians who undermine democracy, freedom, the rule of law and morality don’t make you a patriot.

Do your American duty! Seek facts, truth and knowledge. Educate yourself. Use common wisdom and independent thinking to decide. Explore diverse views to support or validate your beliefs.

If you parrot the sayings of commentators, politicians or political parties without testing their accuracy, you are not a patriot. You are nothing more than a political lemming or dupe. Instead, do your patriotic duty.

I hope you had a happy Fourth of July weekend. And God bless America!

— Guy Lopez

Big Lake

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