Letters to the Editor

Letter: Absentee ballots

As the primaries approach, Alaskans should be aware of how easy it can be to vote. In the midst of a pandemic, we should be taking full advantage of absentee ballots.

A misconception about absentee ballots is that they are just for residents who are not in the state, or absent, at election time. Many have only experienced the process if they go to college out of state or have taken an extended vacation near election time. But unlike some states, Alaska allows its voters to vote by mail regardless of why they need to. All voters need to do is fill out the application that can be found online at the Alaska Division of Elections website.

It takes very little time to fill out, and the only requirement for being accepted is that you are a registered voter. You will then receive a ballot in the mail, before the election and with plenty of time to mail it in before the deadline. No one should opt out of voting in any election because they can’t make it to a polling place or fear they will get sick. We have been told to avoid crowds for months, and it’s easy to avoid doing so on election day. Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer refuses to send out ballots to all registered voters. It worked in Anchorage and makes sense; if he truly wants voter participation, it’s the right thing to do. Stay home, stay healthy, vote by mail.

Diane DiSanto


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