Letters to the Editor

Letter: Safe elections

It has come to my attention that, both locally and nationally, it is anticipated there will be a shortage of volunteers to man polling stations at the upcoming November election, which I am sure you will all agree is an extremely important election for the country. The anticipated shortage is the result of the current COVID-19 pandemic and the concern of older poll volunteers of contracting COVID-19.

Everyone will agree this is a legitimate fear, especially given the average age of poll workers. It has been well documented that those of us 65 years or older have a more significant risk of serious symptoms associated with COVID-19, up to and including death. Given the prevalence of COVID-19 in our society, this is unlikely to change between now and the November election.

As a 68-year-old male, I unfortunately include myself in the high-risk category. However, I recognize the importance of the upcoming election and will volunteer to man one of the polling stations if I can be assured that my state is taking all reasonable measures to assure my safety as well as other poll workers. I will volunteer if the governor mandates that all Alaskans who come to a polling station to personally cast their ballot are required to wear a mask and that entry will be denied if no mask is worn. That is the least my state government can do for me, and the least I expect of my fellow citizens in these trying times.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to the governor’s mandate on the subject, as well as receiving my volunteer packet.

Howard Lazar


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