Letters to the Editor

Letter: Keep schools safe

As an Anchorage School District teacher, I witnessed significant growth in many of my students during 4th quarter, evidenced by daily data and their ability to make progress towards individual education plan goals. There cannot be a blanket statement that online learning doesn't work. Much the same way that public school does not work for everyone, online learning doesn't work for everyone, but that is no different than any other learning methodology.

I acknowledge that many teachers are not as tech-savvy as I, and that the services that students across the district received during the fourth quarter varied significantly based on their school, teacher, abilities/disabilities or family situation.

Ultimately, there is no substitute for a two-week quarantine. Until that effort is made by the whole of our community, I cannot put my health at risk for the sake of others. If I don't have my health, I can't be an effective teacher, and in that vein, I am choosing not be returning to in-person instruction until the community spread is contained.

Jennifer Stansel


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