Letters to the Editor

Letter: More absentee ballots

The state of Alaska mailed letters to voters over 65, asking them if they would like an

absentee ballot. This is a practical, given the pandemic going on, and large groups that gather at polling places are the exact thing we are instructed to avoid. But what about younger at-risk voters?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports the people who are most at risk for severe illness due to COVID-19 are adults over the age of 65 and people of any age with underlying conditions. So why is the state only encouraging one at-risk group to apply for an absentee ballot?

We are all at risk, especially those with an underlying health condition, regardless of age. The state’s own webpage notes other at-risk populations not 65 or older. Yet the state is only mailing absentee letters to Alaskans 65 and older, regardless of at-risk status. The rest of us have to learn how to apply ourselves, or risk our health to vote in person. No one should fear compromising their health for their constitutional right and civic duty to vote. The state of

Alaska should send absentee ballot applications to every Alaskan. Anyone can vote safely by mail in Alaska, so everyone should be notified of that opportunity.

Cindy Thomas


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