Letters to the Editor

Letter: Protect each other

I am writing to respond to the recent letter to the editor by Chad Hufford. While I am also very concerned about the damage that is being done to our local economy by the closing down of indoor service in restaurants and bars, I believe attacking the mayor is misplaced blame. The blame should be soundly placed with younger residents who feel that their “right” to go unmasked and to gather in groups, outweighs the rights of others with whom they may come in contact while (possibly) being asymptomatic virus carriers. Mayor Ethan Berkowitz is just trying to keep our city from turning into a Houston, Miami or New York.

The research is clear that two weeks from a surge, there will be exponential growth of cases. The fact that there are not as many hospitalizations or deaths as some seem to think there should be is a testament to his sound judgement and to the care these people have received by our health care professionals. In fact, what it sounds like to me is that some believe we should not close anything down until the deaths and numbers hospitalized are much higher. That seems to have been the opinion in Houston, Miami and various other places where the hospitals are now having to make decisions about whom to put on ventilators because they don’t have enough. Is that what we want? I personally prefer the way we are doing things here in Anchorage.

As we have the largest hospitals in the state, if the outbreak affects other communities in a big way, we will be poised to help with needed care rather than turn them away. And, because our hospitals have room, if you get in a car accident and have life-threatening injuries, you will get the help you need in an expedient manner. The fact that this is true is reason to celebrate, not to grouse about losing the freedom to eat inside a restaurant or have a drink in a bar. (We have not lost the freedom to order food for pick up or visit a store, as long as we mask up.)

I do agree that we are not able to reach those who have suffered physical abuse or suffered mentally during this crisis, but I am at a loss for how opening up restaurants or bars will help that problem. We are not in “hunker down” mode! If residents had been responsible enough to wear masks while inside buildings and within six feet of one another as well as refrain from congregating in large groups without masks, the issue of closing down would not be necessary. I think the examples of Korea, New Zealand, Germany and others demonstrate that. It is because of attitudes like Mr. Hufford’s that we are facing these restrictions. I wear a mask to protect you. Do you wear one to protect me?

Judy Green


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