Letters to the Editor

Letter: Thanks for shelter aid

On Aug. 12, the Anchorage Assembly voted to pass $156 million in CARES Act funding. As part of that package, Abused Women’s Aid In Crisis (AWAIC) is allocated to receive $600,000 for the Safe Spaces Expansion and Renovation Project. This project is currently under construction and is slated to be completed in November. AWAIC is the only emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence in the community.

AWAIC has seen an increase of 43% in crisis calls since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Once the regulations for the pandemic were announced by the Centers for Disease Control, AWAIC had to reduce the number of people allowed in shelter to ensure social distancing of participants. This reduced the number who could be served from 52 to 26 at a minimum.

When the Municipality reopened the city, AWAIC saw a 75% increase in the number of individuals served. The Safe Spaces Project will create additional bed space in the shelter allowing for more people to seek safety in our emergency shelter. AWAIC deeply appreciates the Anchorage Assembly for acting decisively and prioritizing the safety of victims of domestic violence by allocating funding for the Safe Spaces Project.

Suzi Pearson

Executive director, AWAIC


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