Letters to the Editor

Letter: Yes on Ballot Measure 2

Ken Jacobus opposed Ballot Measure 2 in a recent ADN letter. He doesn’t like what he called the “jungle primary.” Is that intended as a racist comment? It is certainly inflammatory. You don’t have to use that kind of epithet to oppose a legal action.

One of his reasons is that the pro-Ballot Measure 2 campaign is funded by Outside interests. Funny he didn’t mention that the measure will expose Outside money in our elections, something that is sorely needed. He said a campaign funded by Outside interests can’t possibly be good for Alaskans. I’m not sure how this is logical, but it begs the question of how Dan Sullivan’s campaign can then be good for Alaskans, with the $4.7 million in Outside money — 75% of his funds — it got this election cycle.

He said the measure is too complicated for a single vote. Well, the Supreme Court disagreed, and approved it as a ballot measure. I think Alaskans can accept their judgment.

He also made the absurd claim that the new-style primary interferes with the right of free association into political parties. There is nothing to stop parties from forming, meeting, establishing platforms and endorsing candidates. Ballot Measure 2 just stops the state from subsidizing the two main political parties with a free candidate selection process at the expense of anyone who doesn’t happen to be a party member. The parties don’t want to have to use their own resources to publicize their candidates; they want the state to do it for them in the two-party primary. Ballot Measure 2 will end that.

The two main political parties have dominated politics in Alaska and the U.S. for far too long. They have rigged the election system for their own ends: a two-party primary; winner-take-all elections; the unit rule for presidential electors; the near exclusion of any third parties; and the election of plurality candidates who don’t get a majority because of “spoiler” candidates dividing the votes. And then they gerrymander the districts when in power so that the candidates select their voters, instead of the voters selecting the candidates. This measure is not a cure-all, but it will sure go a long way to making Alaska’s elections free, fair and inclusive. That is why the two main political parties oppose it so vigorously. Vote yes on Ballot Measure 2.

— Harold Johnston


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