Letters to the Editor

Letter: A real voice

I just listened to U.S. Senate candidate Dr. Al Gross being interviewed on public radio and was pleased to hear a moderate political voice for a change. Dr. Gross was well-spoken, informed, and had practical solutions to many of the vexing problems we are dealing with today. This is in total contrast to the messages in the radical right wing negative adverts we’ve all had filling our mailboxes.

In contrast, Sen. Dan Sullivan’s silence over the past four years of radical, divisive politics has been deafening! Our senator has been silent while the president bashes all the norms of civil society, isolating us internationally, dividing us domestically and even bashing our own military, the constituency Sen. Sullivan claims to champion!

The vast majority of Alaskans, I’m convinced, are not radical rightist or radical leftists, but are practical, down-the-middle moderates. It is time to give us a real voice in the Senate. As an independent, I am proudly voting for an independent for U.S. Senate: Al Gross.

— Peter P. Johnson


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