Letters to the Editor

Letter: Don’t support voting changes

I am not supporting Ballot Measure 2. I will support any effort to defeat Ballot Measure 2.

First, I believe in the right of parties to select their best nominee in a primary. This initiative would leave parties less effective by making their freedom of association less authoritative.

Even though I was not selected as the Republican nominee this last primary, I support the process for Republicans to elect Republicans. I am disappointed in the outcome of this year’s primary and think some of the policy priorities were not correct; however, the voters spoke and I respect that. I firmly believe that too few vote in a primary, and that is a shame, but it is their choice to leave the outcome to those who do vote.

This initiative also changes some important reporting measures that should be debated in detail and be open to amendment through the legislative process. Too often, complicated measures proposed to us Alaskans without a good understanding of the context of current law. This portion of the initiative should be rejected.

Finally, the change in voting is wrong. This has a style of first, second and third choice if no clear majority wins. If we can only support one candidate and cast our only vote for them and a majority for that person isn’t achieved, then our vote is thrown out and the others who have many choices will have their vote counted again. This takes the “one-person, one-vote” away from us and I can’t let that happen.

— John Coghill


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John Coghill

John Coghill, a Republican, formerly represented Fairbanks and North Pole in the Alaska State Senate. He served as majority leader and chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.