Letters to the Editor

Letter: Play it safe

The only way to describe the gathering of GOP state candidates at Lake Hood is totally irresponsible and disrespectful. Alaska has had more than 9,500 cases of COVID-19, with around 54 deaths. Not wearing as mask says “I don’t care” to me. Theses candidates say they" don’t trust what they hear from public health officials", I wonder if they believe what the families of the 54 people that have died say ? Or they don’t care that some people suffer long term health issues caused by the Covid, even if they were not very sick when they were positive.

Scientific studies show that masks and social distancing make a difference. Even if you don’t believe in science, wearing a mask and social distancing shows that you are respectful of those around you. Just in case your news source about the non-effectiveness of masks is wrong, play it on the safe side and just wear one.

Alice Samuelson


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