Letters to the Editor

Letter: Berkowitz should stay

Please consider asking Mayor Ethan Berkowitz to unresign. The whole scandal was overblown. A inappropriate messaging relationship with a person who seems unstable. Most importantly, it’s his private business. It has nothing to do with his ability to govern. Regarding his ability to govern: Overall, he does a great job, despite some areas that I thought really needed some work (like doing more to make this place more small business-friendly, including cannabis).

He was a beacon when it came to this horrible pandemic. He saved lives. He listened to science. He worked with the governor, and sometimes in spite of the governor, to do what he could to take appropriate action. We need him. He is the best person to lead us for the next few months. The alternative is a short-timer with no experience or someone who has experience but still will have a steep learning curve for the current context. A turbo-charged lame duck. It just makes sense to ride it out and get to the municipal election with the proven, known, capable entity.

To Anchorage and the patriotic, “community-minded” regressives: Your behavior regarding our mayor was uncivil and mean. You got what you wanted. Thanks. I don’t care too much about the sexting scandal. Now we are in a spot, and, we are already in several (state finances, oil, pandemic, recession). Now where are we? We are not better off. This righteous passion has exacerbated the challenges we already facing. Disappointing, shameful, weak, vindictive and not constructive.

Hugh Wade


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