Letters to the Editor

Letter: Financial ruin

In 2014 the Big 3 Oil companies convinced the people of Alaska and our State Legislature to drastically lower the oil tax structure on them with empty promises of more production, more jobs, and more overall wealth for the Alaska. Since then, as any observant Alaskan can see, these tax reductions have instead devastated all services for Alaskans and caused a drastic reduction of the permanent fund dividend.

After six years and lost revenue of more than $6 billion from Alaska to the oil companies, Alaskans now are finally voting to get a fair tax structure on our depleting oil resources. In response, the oil companies are threatening dire consequences. Note, they certainly aren’t making any of their past promises, but are threatening even less for Alaskans.

For instance, they say you must vote no to protect your Permanent Fund dividend on their big Connex-box signs. How exactly will that work? Under the present tax structure, your PFD is on track to dwindle to zero in two years.

There is a saying about “Fool me once...” and that sure fits. They are taking you for a fool and think it will work again. Don’t be fooled twice.

Please vote; your vote Nov. 3 can save the state of Alaska from impending financial ruin.

Vote yes on Ballot Measure 1!

Sharon Alden



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