Letters to the Editor

Letter: Moral high horse

The Sunday funnies came a little earlier than usual last week, as I got a good chuckle out of Frank Dahl looking for Anchorage’s moral compass. It never ceases to amaze me how some folks bank on short memories in this town.

As for the Assembly and the job they are doing: Excellent work, folks, on attempting to keep Anchorage on course to becoming a better, more caring city. Tough enough during good times to be an elected official, exponentially more so amidst a global pandemic and death threats from your constituents.

I would also like to add my voice to the chorus of those calling for the mayor to stay onboard. Ethan Berkowitz has been the voice of reason and science during this plague and did more to keep these streets safe with additional police academy graduates than the prior administration.

Brian MacMillan


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