Letters to the Editor

Letter: Runaway train

Public health has been high jacked and the COVID-19 pandemic is a runaway train. It all happened with Donald Trump and the silent support of Dan Sullivan and Don Young. From the start, Trump’s exaggerated sense of self-importance, entitlement and the need for recognition, was spurred on by a base who delighted in hating the people who hated Trump.

How did Trump prolong the pandemic? He refused public health direction to establish a national strategic plan though he knew it would kill thousands of people. He mocked wearing masks and social distancing. He left 50 governors to figure it out and then undermined their efforts for mass distribution of protective equipment. When the governors established public health standards against the virus, Trump defied their orders in his reckless need for attention by holding crowded rallies. Every Trump decision to ignore science and public health experts has prolonged the pandemic.

If you are exhausted with eight months of chaos, then vote for Joe Biden, Al Gross and Alyse Galvin to restore some calm and stability to Alaska and our country.

Joan Diamond


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