Letters to the Editor

Letter: Carney is a superb jurist

Justice Susan Carney is seeking retention as a justice of the Alaska Supreme Court. She has been an excellent justice, and I want to explain why I think so. Gov. Wally Hickel appointed me to the Supreme Court in 1994. I retired in late 2009, but I sometimes still sit with the court as a senior justice when needed.

I have consequently participated in approximately eight appeals with Justice Carney. I have directly observed her performance at oral argument and conference in those cases, and have carefully read her written work, including her draft opinions and the important memoranda justices exchange when voting on draft opinions. She has invariably been superbly prepared on both the facts of each case and the applicable law. She is technically skilled and is a fine writer. Her judgment is impeccable. She comments fairly and impartially, with no indication of bias or favoritism. She has the courage and skill to defend her comments ably and civilly if there is disagreement among the justices. Her comments and votes reflect independent thought and careful adherence to the controlling facts and law. She is a highly qualified and effective member of the court.

Since statehood, 25 justices, including myself, have sat on the Alaska Supreme Court. I began practicing law before that court in 1969 and joined the court in 1994. During the 51 years since 1969, I have enjoyed the rich experience of either practicing before or sitting with 20 of the other 24 justices. (And I both appeared before and sat with four of the 24.) So I’ve been privileged to observe at close hand the qualities required of the members of that court. That experience permits me to say that Justice Carney is a skilled and valuable member of the court and to predict that she will continue to serve with distinction. And it permits me to say that her selection confirms the wisdom of the selection method adopted by the constitutional framers.I am writing to express only my personal views regarding Justice Carney’s judicial qualities based on my own perceptions.

Robert L. Eastaugh


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