Letters to the Editor

Letter: Keep Justice Carney

I retired from the Fairbanks Police Department as an officer after 21 years of service; I was the first female officer to retire from the department. During those years I had regular professional contact with Sue Carney. Even though we were on opposite sides of a criminal case, Sue always treated me with professional respect. Over the years, I observed that Sue was an outstanding attorney who understood and respected all of the professionals involved in a case. Sue understood that justice was served when everyone from the police officers, to the prosecutors, to the court did their jobs.

After three years on the job, I was shot and seriously injured while I was making an arrest. During that time, Sue provided me with support and encouragement; we have been friends ever since.

I have learned that there is a group of retired law enforcement officers who are saying that Sue is “soft on criminals.” I have known Sue for more than 30 years, and I can state unequivocally that this is not true. As a justice, Sue must assess whether or not an officer has acted properly in a case and within the confines of the law. Sue is one of five justices, and if a majority of the justices believe that an officer acted outside their authority, then the public is protected by the court holding that officer accountable. This is not soft on crime, this is the court ensuring that all of us serving the public do so in a manner that is consistent with their obligations under the law.

I will be voting to retain Justice Carney, and I encourage everyone else to do the same.

Peggy Sullivan

Fairbanks Police Department (retired)


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